Monday, 8 April 2013

A change must come

When I started this blog I had a plan for it. I haven't followed that plan at all. And now I want to rethink what I really want to do here. I've had some thoughts on the subject, but I haven't settled on anything yet. I will certainly make some changes, continuing this way makes absolutely no sense.

One of the ideas that I got from a blogger on the community over at x3m would be a hard rock blog. That would certainly narrow things down a bit. Anyway, I have to think it through before I do anything. I'll get back to you when I've decided what to do. Until then, take care of each other.


Friday, 22 February 2013

Wasa Band Jam coming up

It's been a while since I posted here. I've been very busy, and I also had a cold. But I'm back in business now. Starting next week we'll try to practice a little more with Hilastherion again. And about three weeks from now, our Foo Fighters cover band will be performing the second time in just a few weeks. Our first gig went really well, even though I had a fever the day before the gig. But the show must go on, and it did. At Wasa Band Jam you can hear us if you missed it the first time, or if you want to see/hear us again. WBJ is on the 16th of March, so come and rock out with us and loads of other bands.

See you there!


Saturday, 9 February 2013

Mission accomplished

After three days with a fever (39 C) I was finally well enough to get up on my feet and play the gig last night. S couldn't make it, she had a terrible headache. But my parents were there. It actually meant quite a lot to me that they got to see me do what I do best musically. And they liked it, so what could be better than that?

Our singer had put up a camera and filmed the gig, and some time after the gig while I was sound asleep, he texted me and wrote: "I just watched the gig...Thank you for coping, if you die now, that was one hell of a finale!!".Well, I'm not planning to die just yet, this morning I got up before nine and took a shower. But sure, it was hard work last night.

The Pretender was the worst part. None of the other guys could hit those high notes, and the song is really kind of weak without them. So I did it anyway, even though my voice wasn't in shape at all. Sure, I made it through, but it couldn't have been pretty. Well...apparently you couldn't tell that my voice almost cracked several times, so it's all good.

Anyway, my point is that I would like to promote the main event, Wasa Battery Band Jam on March 16th. It's definitely worth a visit. After all, you get to see my pretty face in action...hopefully with a voice in much better shape than yesterday ;-D


Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Pre band jam

It's possible that this event description has been available for some time already, but here's a link to the Pre band jam where we will be performing songs by the Foo Fighters. Unfortunately it's available only in Finnish, but here's a rough (but not very good) translation:


Fri 8.2.2013

We are still deep in the depths of winter, and that is always a good sign that the legendary Wasa Band Jam is coming!

Before the main event, we must warm up from the cold into jamming shape, and you can do this, of course, at the Pre Band Jam! During the event, three performers will give you a taste of what treats are in store for the Band jam sessions in 2013...

Put your hair into shape, throw your coat in the cloakroom and surrender to the Band Jam-atmosphere in good company!


Wasa Band Jam 16.3. More info to come in due time. Stay tuned!


Spring is approaching, join us, warm up for the main event and melt away the snow.


Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Time flies

When we started practicing with the Foo Fighters cover band for the upcoming gigs, we hadn't practiced for quite a while, and we started thinking when our last practice session was. We came to the conclusion that it must have been about two years ago. How on earth is that possible? It wasn't THAT long ago, was it? But I'm sad to say that it really was that long ago. Time really does fly, eh?

Well, playing these songs is so much fun, that we definitely want to keep on playing together. And our new guitar player is a great addition to the band. Even though he told us last week after band practice that he doesn't even particularly like Foo Fighters. But he likes to play the songs, and he likes to play with us. So it's all good in the end anyway.


Monday, 14 January 2013

Shameless plug

On the 8th of February and on the 23rd of March I'll be gigging with one of my bands, a Foo Fighters cover band. These two sets of ours are rather short, since we're not the only performing band on either occasion. But nevertheless, both gigs will be great. Take my word for it.

So, do come to Vaasa and rock out with us!


Monday, 7 January 2013

Hilastherion - teaser and FB page

It's time for a Hilastherion update: Check out this teaser for our upcoming album "Signs of the End".

Also, check out our brand new official Hilastherion facebook page for updates.


Thursday, 3 January 2013

2013 and Rush

I think 2013 might just turn out to be a very good year. It all began in 2004 when I discovered a European Rush fan forum called The National Midday Sun (or TNMS in short) while looking for information about Rush R30 tour. I had no idea that I would get to meet some of the members in person, since most of the members came from the UK. But in 2004 I already met some of the members when I went to Stockholm to see Rush at the "Penultimate R30 Show at the Globe". And in 2007 a few of the UK based members came to Helsinki and attended the pre-gig meet (that I had arranged).

In 2013 I will be making a return visit to the UK. Once again thanks to Rush. And it was so nice of the band to pick my birthday as the date for the London gig. So if you're going to the O2 in London to see Rush, perhaps I'll see you there. Say hi if you happen to see me.
