Saturday, 9 February 2013

Mission accomplished

After three days with a fever (39 C) I was finally well enough to get up on my feet and play the gig last night. S couldn't make it, she had a terrible headache. But my parents were there. It actually meant quite a lot to me that they got to see me do what I do best musically. And they liked it, so what could be better than that?

Our singer had put up a camera and filmed the gig, and some time after the gig while I was sound asleep, he texted me and wrote: "I just watched the gig...Thank you for coping, if you die now, that was one hell of a finale!!".Well, I'm not planning to die just yet, this morning I got up before nine and took a shower. But sure, it was hard work last night.

The Pretender was the worst part. None of the other guys could hit those high notes, and the song is really kind of weak without them. So I did it anyway, even though my voice wasn't in shape at all. Sure, I made it through, but it couldn't have been pretty. Well...apparently you couldn't tell that my voice almost cracked several times, so it's all good.

Anyway, my point is that I would like to promote the main event, Wasa Battery Band Jam on March 16th. It's definitely worth a visit. After all, you get to see my pretty face in action...hopefully with a voice in much better shape than yesterday ;-D


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