Thursday, 21 June 2012

Other music

I listen to almost any kind of music, as long as it's good. But there's one genre that I can't stand, and that's the Swedish "dansbandsmusik". I'm not even going to soil my blog by posting any more about it here.

But lately, apart from the obvious listening to the new Rush album, I've been exploring older music. And I don't mean older as in 70s or 80s, I mean even all the way back to the 20s and 30s. Early blues, jazz and all that stuff. And along the way, I have found other stuff that I've really enjoyed. Some of it has been bands that I've already heard, some of it bands that I've only heard of, and the rest has been entirely new stuff for me. For example, yesterday I realised that I've never really explored Rockabilly, even though I like Stray Cats. So now I've started with them and I'm working my way into the happy world of Rockabilly, Psychobilly and that sort of music. One of the first interesting acquaintances i came across was Reverend Horton Heat.

So here we go with one of the songs I've listened to lately:


1 comment:

  1. Alltid intressant att bege sig djupare ner i musikstilar man annars inte lyssnar på så mycket. Just Psychobilly gillar jag väldigt mycket, och sån där Rockabilly som har deppigt budskap, just för att det blir lite komiskt när det skär sig mot det annars glada soundet...
